
Grade PreK Dance: Introduction (redirected from PreK Dance: Introduction)

Page history last edited by Elizabeth Maughan 11 months ago

In Pre-Kindergarten, students are introduced to the four artistic processes of dance: Performing, Creating, Responding, and Connecting. Students explore and improvise locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, imitate others, recognize dance emotions, and begin to understand healthy habits.


Teachers may find their students are below grade level depending on the number of class meetings per week, amount of time per class meeting, consistency of previous instruction, etc. Teachers should evaluate their student's knowledge and abilities and use the standards that best fit their learning needs, while working to move the students to the appropriate grade level standards. 


The order of the standards at any grade level is not meant to imply a sequence of topics and should be considered flexible for the organization of any course. 








Artistic  Processes 

The dance standards emerge from the artistic processes of performing, creating, responding, and connecting. Each artistic process branches into multiple anchor standards. The anchor standards further divide into objectives, which describe student learning in dance.





Objective Analysis

Analysis for each grade-level objective is provided in a manner to support deep understanding of goals and expectations for the teacher and student. Following each Objective Analysis are links to Instructional Resources providing recommendations for lesson ideas and resourcesRecommendations are not intended to be an exhaustive listing of instructional possibilities. 


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